Research Interests
Spatio-Temporal Modeling, Spatial Epidemiology, Image Processing, Environmental Monitoring, Longitudinal Data Analysis,
Clinical Trials, Nonparametric Methods, Statistical Process Control
Yang, K., Qiu, P. (2021). Adaptive process monitoring using covariate information.
Technometrics, 63, 313–328. pdf
Qiu, P., Yang, K. (2021). Effective disease surveillance by using covariate information. Statistics in Medicine, in press. pdf
Yang, K., Qiu, P. (2021). Design variable-sampling control charts using covariate information. IISE Transactions (a flagship journal of the Institute of Industrial Engineers),
in press. pdf
Yang, K., Qiu, P. (2021). A three-step local smoothing approach for estimating the mean and covariance functions of spatio-temporal data. Annals
of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, in press. pdf
Yang, K., Qiu, P. (2020). Online sequential monitoring of spatio-temporal disease incidence rates. IISE Transactions, 52, 1218–1233.
Yang, K., Qiu, P. (2019). Nonparametric estimation of the spatio-temporal covariance structure. Statistics in Medicine,
38, 4555–4565. pdf
Yang, K., Qiu, P. (2018). Spatiotemporal incidence rate data analysis by nonparametric regression.
Statistics in Medicine, 37, 2094–2107. pdf
Yang, K., Qiu, P. (2020). BCEWMA: A New and Effective Biosurveillance System for Disease Outbreak Detection.
In Statistical Methods for Global Health and Epidemiology (edited by Xinguang Chen and Ding-Geng Chen), 335–352,
Allen, B., Robert, C., Cohen, S.A., Weaver, M., Yang, K., Mahler, S.A. (2021). Response to letter regarding article ‘‘Diagnostic Performance
of High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T Strategies and Clinical Variables in a Multisite United States Cohort". Circulation, in press
Allen, B., Robert, C., Cohen, S.A., Nowak, R., Wilkerson, G., Mumma, B., Madsen, T., McCord, J., Veld, M.H., Massoomi, M.,
Stopyra, J.P., Montero, C., Weaver, M., Yang, K., Mahler, S.A. (2021). Diagnostic Performance of High Sensitivity Cardiac
Troponin T Strategies and Clinical Variables in a Multisite United States Cohort. Circulation, in press. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.049298.
Riner, A.N., Underwood, P., Yang, K., Herremans, K.M., Cameron, M.E., Chamala, S., Qiu, P., George, T.J., Permuth, J.B.,
Merchant, N.B., Trevino, J.G. (2020). Disparities in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma–the significance of hispanic ethnicity,
subgroup analysis, and treatment facility on clinical outcomes. Cancer Medicine, 9, 4069–4082.
Kirkpatrick, A.F., Saghafi, A., Yang, K., Qiu, P., Alexander, J., Bavry, E., and Schwartzman, R. (2020). Optimizing the
Treatment of CRPS with Ketamine. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 36, 516–523.
Iqbal, A., Khan, A., George, T., Tan, S., Qiu, P., Yang, K., Trevino, J., Hughes, S. (2018).
Objective preoperative parameters predict difficult pelvic dissections and clinical outcomes.
Journal of Surgical Research, 232, 15–25.
Qiu, P., Yang, K., You, L. (2017). Discussion of “Post selection shrinkage estimation
for high dimensional data analysis”.
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 33, 123–125.