Research Interests

Spatio-Temporal Modeling, Spatial Epidemiology, Image Processing, Environmental Monitoring, Longitudinal Data Analysis, Clinical Trials, Nonparametric Methods, Statistical Process Control

  • Yang, K., Qiu, P. (2021). Adaptive process monitoring using covariate information. Technometrics, 63, 313–328. pdf

  • Qiu, P., Yang, K. (2021). Effective disease surveillance by using covariate information. Statistics in Medicine, in press. pdf

  • Yang, K., Qiu, P. (2021). Design variable-sampling control charts using covariate information. IISE Transactions (a flagship journal of the Institute of Industrial Engineers), in press. pdf

  • Yang, K., Qiu, P. (2021). A three-step local smoothing approach for estimating the mean and covariance functions of spatio-temporal data. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, in press. pdf

  • Yang, K., Qiu, P. (2020). Online sequential monitoring of spatio-temporal disease incidence rates. IISE Transactions, 52, 1218–1233. pdf

  • Yang, K., Qiu, P. (2019). Nonparametric estimation of the spatio-temporal covariance structure. Statistics in Medicine, 38, 4555–4565. pdf

  • Yang, K., Qiu, P. (2018). Spatiotemporal incidence rate data analysis by nonparametric regression. Statistics in Medicine, 37, 2094–2107. pdf

  • Yang, K., Qiu, P. (2020). BCEWMA: A New and Effective Biosurveillance System for Disease Outbreak Detection. In Statistical Methods for Global Health and Epidemiology (edited by Xinguang Chen and Ding-Geng Chen), 335–352, Springer.

  • Allen, B., Robert, C., Cohen, S.A., Weaver, M., Yang, K., Mahler, S.A. (2021). Response to letter regarding article ‘‘Diagnostic Performance of High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T Strategies and Clinical Variables in a Multisite United States Cohort". Circulation, in press

  • Allen, B., Robert, C., Cohen, S.A., Nowak, R., Wilkerson, G., Mumma, B., Madsen, T., McCord, J., Veld, M.H., Massoomi, M., Stopyra, J.P., Montero, C., Weaver, M., Yang, K., Mahler, S.A. (2021). Diagnostic Performance of High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T Strategies and Clinical Variables in a Multisite United States Cohort. Circulation, in press. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.049298.

  • Riner, A.N., Underwood, P., Yang, K., Herremans, K.M., Cameron, M.E., Chamala, S., Qiu, P., George, T.J., Permuth, J.B., Merchant, N.B., Trevino, J.G. (2020). Disparities in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma–the significance of hispanic ethnicity, subgroup analysis, and treatment facility on clinical outcomes. Cancer Medicine, 9, 4069–4082. 

  • Kirkpatrick, A.F., Saghafi, A., Yang, K., Qiu, P., Alexander, J., Bavry, E., and Schwartzman, R. (2020). Optimizing the Treatment of CRPS with Ketamine. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 36, 516–523.

  • Iqbal, A., Khan, A., George, T., Tan, S., Qiu, P., Yang, K., Trevino, J., Hughes, S. (2018). Objective preoperative parameters predict difficult pelvic dissections and clinical outcomes. Journal of Surgical Research, 232, 15–25.

  • Qiu, P., Yang, K., You, L. (2017). Discussion of “Post selection shrinkage estimation for high dimensional data analysis”. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 33, 123–125.